From Joseph to Kathy....
From Kathy to Cara...
From Cara to you.

The Heritage Training

A Post-Graduate Program for Pilates Professionals Taught by Cara Reeser

This program offers a unique opportunity for extensive training in the Kathy Grant work in The Pilates Method through the lens and experience of her long-time student, Cara Reeser with the assistance of Laura Karpinski and Maria Earle.

Working together for 3 full weekends over a 3 month period, students will have the chance to examine the philosophy, vocabulary, techniques, and teaching tools passed along to Cara from Kathy and to Kathy from Joseph and Clara – the lineage to which we all belong. Students will gain a deep connection to this work through hands-on training, practical application, virtual class, and video library access.

The Program

Students will meet for a total of 3 sessions, over the course of 3 months (NCPT CEC credits apply) with a mix of live and live-online course curriculum trainings. Weekly live-online “Before the Hundred” classes will be offered for the duration of the program. (Students are required to attend a total of 5 of these classes as part of their contact hours.)

Session 1
3 days, 4.5 hours each meeting.
The topic is Kathy Grant’s signature mat protocols she called “Before the Hundred”.
Live attendance is required for this session only.

Session 2
3 days, 4.5 hours each meeting.
The topic is “Equipment Work.” This will cover the innovative exercises that Kathy designed for the equipment as well as some of the archival material she shared over the years.
Option for live in the USA or live-online.

Session 3
3 days, 4.5 hours each meeting.
The topic is “Strap Work.” This session offers comprehensive instruction in the Kathy Grant signature works she created on the Cadillac using canvas straps to help facilitate a deeper connection to the Pilates Mat protocols.
Live-online only, students will need access to a Cadillac, straps will be provided.

2025 Schedule

Session 1
NYC Live Only (USA)
March 7th – March 9th 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (East Coast US time zone)

Session 2
Denver Live (USA) or Live-online
Students can choose to meet live in Denver, Colorado or join live-online.
April 25th – April 27th 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Friday and Sat, 9.00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Sunday (Mountain Standard US time zone)

Session 3
Live-online Only
June 6th – 8th 11:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (East Coast US time Zone)

Total Tuition Cost: $3,500
A $500 deposit is required upon registration to reserve your spot.
Tuition is paid in 3 additional $1,000 installments prior to each session.


I was looking for a post graduate program to study the work of one of the first generation teachers. I decided to partake in the Kathy Grant Heritage Training Program. The work of Kathy Grant is so inspiring and has changed me as a teacher. The vocabulary of skills I have gained will serve me and my clients for years to come. I have such respect for Kathy’s work and am grateful that a program of this quality exists for those of us who are looking to carry on the masterful work of those who have come before us. Cara and Laura deliver the material with such admiration and respect for Kathy and I highly recommend this program for any Pilates professional wanting to expand their knowledge and depth of teaching.

~Vanessa Caesare (2020 Graduate)

I was led to the Kathy Grant Heritage Training by a friend who had gone through the Training and it had been on my wish list for awhile. I am always wanting to understand more, to go deeper in my teaching and understanding of Pilates and finding Kathy Grant’s work through Cara and Laura was life changing in my teaching and for my clients. To be able to understand and cue in a way that is so clear, so mind opening for me and my clients has been a true gift. To see clients that I have taught for years and years be able to find their way into the Pilates work in a way that made them have moments of pure joy and go where they never realized they could has been wonderful.

Going through the Heritage Training for myself and finding all those gifts that are the work of Kathy Grant also gave me freedom and a focused depth to my own Pilates practice. The community and guidance of Cara and Laura made this experience such a profound effect on me that my clients are now enjoying for themselves.

I feel that this work was a missing piece for me and am so grateful to Cara and Laura and all the wonderful teachers that were with me along the way.

~Hilary Opheim (2019 Graduate)

The Kathy Grant Heritage Training completely changed the direction and focus of my teaching and my personal Pilates practice. Through Kathy Grant’s subtle, before the hundreds work, I learned new fundamental movements and deepened my understanding of others.  Gaps in knowledge were filled.  I am now able to move my students through fundamental, basic Pilates movements into more complex difficult work in a seamless manner.  Even my most advanced students are flabbergasted over their new-found function and fluidity.

The program, expertly taught by Cara and Laura is thorough, accessible, and fun.  In spite of its seriousness, Cara is insistent on staying true to her firsthand learning from Kathy Grant; there are moments of light-heartedness, laughter and sharing.  There were also moments when I was moved to tears because the work was so powerful and I felt Pilates in a way that I had never experienced before.

Ample time is allotted for practice and mastering. You are not left with unanswered questions.  Instead you leave feeling passionate, energized and inspired to continue learning, experimenting and perfecting your skills as a practitioner and instructor.

~Tiana Gray (2012 Graduate)

PIL-1406 Heritage Training Logo

The Heritage Training ® Graduate Database:

Last NameFirst NameCityStateCountry
Mathys Linda Switzerland
Jones Lisa Singapor
Deblon Katrien Kortrijk Belgium
Baekholm Camilla Copenhagen Denmark
Page Alison Birmingham AL USA
Wyatt Kim Tuscaloosa Alabama Usa
Birt Allison Vancouver BC Canada
Eggimann Beatrice Bern Bern Switzerland
Vullings Jeni San Fran CA USA
Wachtfogel Kerry Manhattan Beach CA USA
Fischbeck-Wise Aura San Francisco CA USA
Wertman Cristin Newport Beach Ca USA
Hubbard Lisa Newport Beach CA USA
Silverman Laurel Newport Beach CA USA
Conn Alyssa Oakland CA United States
Akeley Michelle Hermosa Beach CA USA
Icaza Dana Manhattan Beach CA USA
durning jennifer berkeley ca united states
Havens Amy Santa Barbara CA USA
Barragan Julie Chula Vista CA USA
Park Hye-Yeon San Francisco CA USA
Clarke Beth San Francisco CA USA
Brunner Brigitte San Francisco CA United States
LeMaitre Carol San Francisco CA USA
Quest Erika San Juan Capistrano CA USA
Russell Jamie San fesncison Ca Usa
Vargas Stacey Manhattan Beach California USA
Opheim Hilary Los Angeles California USA
Coelho-Wood Mary Redondo Beach California United States
Hendricks Danielle Clovis California USA
Coelho-Wood Mary Redondo Beach California United States
Staehr Susanne San Francisco California United States
Borof Wendy Telluride Co USA
Reeser Cara Denver CO USA
Carlson Laurie Denver CO USA
Cameron Holly Brighton CO USA
Mock Mary CO USA
Pingle Maya Denver CO USA
Johnson Catharine Lafayette CO USA
Brinkman Jodi Denver CO USA

Participant Info

First Name
Last Name
United States
Zip Code
graduation year

Graduated? Add your name to the List!*

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